Blooming Kids

Welcome to Blooming Kids!

Shaping young minds is one of the biggest challenges faced by parents today.  We believe that every child is unique with different abilities and talents.

At Blooming Kids, we create a conducive and interactive learning environment that fosters and nurtures children’s  critical thinking, effective communication and decision making skills.

Our unique program incorporates a variety of educational theories that focus on the children’s  interest and potential. 

We aim to develop children with the 21st century skills and prepare the young minds for the 21st century challenges. Hence, we teach…

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking which enables the child to process information and eventually learn to evaluate, analyze, remember, make comparisons and understands cause and effect.


Where the children are encouraged to express themselves openly and to convey ideas clearly


To work as a team player to achieve a common goal as a team

To develop habit to think outside the box
Physical Development

To strengthen muscles, movements and improve overall physical health and growth of children


To develop and elevate children’s self-esteem.

Fun Memories

Parents Testimonials

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


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